Saturday, November 13, 2010

This Really Should Be Up Here.

So yeah awhile back I discovered this really cool podcast called Review a hosted by a guy who goes by the name Mike "The Birdman" Dodd. I started to listen to the show regularly when I discovered that audience participation was actually a big component of the show. It took awhile but I actually worked up the courage to leave a message on the shows call-in-line and surprise surprise my call was actually aired. Of course it was aired when my computer was down & it took me forever to find the actually episode but now that I have I felt it should be up on my blog hope you enjoy.
(My call is the second one he plays)

FUN FACT: Most of you might already know Mr.Dodd from his appearance in one of the Brawls but I actually got to cross paths with him at this years FanExpo