Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Late To The Party: Sons Of Anarchy

Being the movie centric type of person that I am it should come as no surprise that I sometimes overlook some of TV's better series. After Lost & Soprano's had ended I was beginning to think there might never be another show to pry me away from my beloved movies. Thankfully I was very wrong a friend was nice enough to turn me onto a newer FX series called Sons Of Anarchy.

I've always loved biker culture and have always tried to take in as many movies, shows and documentary's on the subject that I possible could(The Last Chapter, Easy Rider, Gangland). Just recently I completed watching the first season and I was so overjoyed by how I felt about the show I felt I could write a blog about it.

The writing is sharp & honest the characters are likable despite being criminals and the music while not Sopranos quality is still distinct and enjoyable. But the best part by far has to be the complicated performances given by Ron Perelman (Hell Boy)& Katey Sagal (Futurama) that rival anything I've seen in a movie this year.

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