Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bane Costume Reveal TDKR

You know sometimes I seriously forget I even have a blog, but you know what reminds me? Batman news & today we have a dozy.

Pictures from the set of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises have been released and these pictures finally give us a look the movies long awaited villain Bane played by Tom Hardy. 

As I've stated elsewhere I feel the mask is a little too Hannibal lector when it could easily be more Lucha Libre to fit with the charterers Latin back story & background. I like the idea of him wearing braces and other such protective gear but I think most people are going to flip their nerd shit over his coat in the same way they did about Jokers makeup in Dark Knight. I personally have no problem the coat especially seeing as early reports state a good chunk of the movie may take place during winter.

In the same picture Bane is also seen with what appears to be a group of heavily armed mercs whether they are on his side or not still is yet to be seen.

Regardless of what the new movie brings I doubt t it will be hard to top Banes last appearance on the big screen.